Ready, Steady, SOLD- How to get your Whetstone home ready for the market!

People make a judgement in seven seconds. This is how quickly you can win or lose a potential buyer when selling your home. So, how do...

Paint By Numbers- Will Interior Design Boost My Whetstone Home's Value?

We all want top value for our homes. Walking away with a few extra pounds in our back pocket is an appealing thought for anyone. So, how do we get our...

Has Your Whetstone Property Been Under or Overvalued?

When you put your property on the market, you put your trust in us – the experts you have chosen....

How to Decorate Your Totteridge Home This Christmas: 6 Stylish Decorating Ideas

Who doesn’t love the festive season? One of the best things about Christmas is getting to lug the decorations out of the loft and scatter joy around your...

7 Tips for Making the Most of Your Living Space in your Barnet Home

When it comes to your home space, there will no doubt be times when you wish there was a bit more of it. If things are feeling a bit cramped, then you may...

Things to know if you're living in the Borough of Barnet!

Your Guide to Living in Barnet & Whetstone Living in Barnet or Whetstone gives you the best of both worlds – it’s just a short hop to the centre of...
Digging down on the statistics - things are not always what they seem!